How you Killed Your Imagination

Reservoir Dogs by Quentin Tarantino

People kill their own imagination.  In the modern day of the creative world (if that is fashion, art, etc.), people tend to create to land on someone's Instagram mood board or Tik Tok for you page. Following trends or appealing to a certain consumer is not bad, but making shit products that look like everything else on the shelf is not the way to go. It is great to have influencers wear your product to hopefully drive sales, but if there is no meaning to the partnership or no meaning in the product, it gets lost in the homogeneous zeitgeist of modern day fashion. We can just tally it to another failed company/marketing campaign. 

Explorer Page Instagram 

I think there are two people we can blame, and that is the brands and the consumer. I was hoping I could point all the blame to the influencers, which we can a little bit, but in reality as consumers, we are giving these people a platform to survive and prosper. By engaging with them, it  only adds fuel to the fire of this horrible cycle of fashion. The cycle that lacks innovation, creativity, and being fun. People just have to buy what they like and not fit into this mold of the internet. 

The problem that stems from big brands/aspirational brands, is how lazy they became in their design ethos and practice. I see why people like to live in the glory days of fashion. It was a time where people pushed the envelope with meaning. This goes deeper than just making a shit product. It goes beyond the people who are in that organization.  Those people in those positions are not taste makers. They only see what is front of them and not the bigger picture of what it takes to make the whole package. 

People from all walks of life want to feel  this artificial acceptance and love from people. To feel those emotions, they must conform to fit the narrative of the societal norm. They want to sell an image of themselves of someone they are not.  The best feeling is being yourself and surprising people will respect it and accept it.


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